The Bruce Peninsula, from High Dump Back Country Campground

Jul 06 2016
Post's featued image.

This is my NFP- new favourite picture.  At least for now.  I got away for a few days to the Bruce Peninsula, to be quiet and of course, take some photos.  It is a magical place, just a few hours away from home, yet exotic and very different from the landscape of southern Ontario.  But it has been difficult to come up with photographs that go beyond the surface of the place- however beautiful it is- and express what the area feels like to me. But this time it all fell into place.  In walking the shore, I saw in my mind’s eye a mood, a composition and qualities that turned into an inevitable image.  That process I can’t quite explain, but the moments are elusive, and they feed my creative appetite, and the images seem to inherently matter to me.   Photographs are being taken and “shared” in astronomical numbers, but how many of them truly matter?  What is an image that matters??   A photographer friend of mine and I had a beverage recently, discussing that concept. More discussions (and beverages) are required of course, but we concluded that an image is significant when it gets your attention, but also engages you beyond just being informative.  It brings you to  that place, or person, in a meaningful way.   It makes you think, feel and dream, and changes things.  For the better.  This outing was a few days well spent.   And lastly, the people you meet at back country campgrounds, and in parking lots from where you start and finish the trips, are great.  They seem to be more alive, asking and thinking about what really matters.   They’re not just shopping.


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